Taking Steps Together For Wildlife Conservation.

Many of us are interested about knowing about the lives and habits of wild animal species. It is this curiosity that can be enlightened, by visiting the natural habitats. Many famous wild animals like various tiger and lion species, cheetahs, jaguars, elephants, and more, fall within the list of endangered animals. It means that their numbers are at a critical level. It is important to know that endangered species can turn extinct, if they are hunted down by humans. This has happened to many species already. It is the duty of wildlife lovers to help in the protection of their numbers. 

Hello to everyone of your wildlife lovers. I am Bhagavan Antle, the founder of the Rare Species Fund. My two project, the T.I.G.E.R.S. Preserve and the Myrtle Beach Safari, are preservations for the conservation of rare and endangered species. These two places situated at Myrtle Beach, contain some of the most exotic wild species. We have created a completely educational experience and opened their gates to everyone. During the summer months, visitors to Myrtle Beach can take a wild safari trip, or roar with our majestic wild cats. 

It is my firm belief that not all of us are indifferent about the reducing numbers of wild animals. I believe that like me and my helpful associates, there are many around the world who care about biodiversity. That is why we had created the initiative of the RSF, which has now grown steadily on a global level. It now works for the conservation of wildlife species across the continents. 

Help Animals and Enjoy an Authentic Safari Experience

At the Safari and T.I.G.E.R.S. Preserve, you can be as close as you’ve ever been to the incredible beasts o-f our planet. Animals at the Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo include all different tiger species, lions, apes, cheetahs, alligators, and more. We even enable guests to have a hands on experience with the animals. So you can feed a baby tiger, lion, wolf cub, and cuddle with a baby ape. Once you see how freely the animals at our preserve lives, it will bring new hope to your heart. 

We are a living evidence, that animals do not have to live in small and claustrophobia inducing cages. Our dedicated team, of trainers and carers are always there, to look after the needs of all the animal species. We practically live, laugh, cry, play, and eat with them. Animals have long been painted as beasts by the media. But that is not the case. Like human beings, they too have an interest in protecting their habitat, and taking care of their own. 

I encourage animal lovers to come to our preserves, and contribute to the welfare of various species together. At the Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo, you will have an authentic safari experience, without having to visit Africa. Once you see animals from up close, and how they live in harmony, you can get a better understanding. You will get the understanding that, like us, they also deserve a home and a life. 


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