My Visit to The Famous Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo

Since long I was stuck in my thoughts about visiting the Myrtle Beach Safari but I wasn’t sure about it. One thing clouded my mind - it is a zoo, and there are plenty of those around me. Why would I spend extra money to go to a place similar to the one in my neighborhood? Well, I went there anyway, and I was wrong! The Myrtle Beach Safari is unlike any other zoo I had ever been to.

Should I, or shouldn’t I visit the Myrtle Beach Safari zoo?

I have read so much about Doc Antle and his zoo. I have seen him on TV and heard quite a lot about his contribution to the preservation of wildlife, on an international level. I am an animal lover myself, and I was immediately intrigued about this zoo when I heard about it the first time.

I wasn’t going to put all my faith on the television and decided to take the tour myself, but I didn’t want the money wasted. So, I took my time to check for Myrtle Beach Safari reviews on the internet and, after much self-debate, I was convinced that my money wouldn’t go in vain.

My view regarding the zoo changed upon reaching there. I liked the way the complex looked, and the number of people that gathered for the tour was huge.

The polite and friendly approach of the people working in the zoo made me feel like I belong there. But that wasn’t what I went there for. My anticipation brought fruit when the queue moved forward and it was my turn to witness the best thing of my entire life- the Myrtle Beach Safari zoo’s rare and endangered species.

A Life-Changing Experience

I had seen a few tigers and lions before but never did any zoo let me snuggle up to tiger cubs and be a part of the baby wolf pack. I stopped thinking and took my time to play with them and shared a few laughs with the orangutans. I had only seen Bubbles in Ace Ventura; I just didn’t know if she were in the zoo for real. Well, I fed her fruits with my own hands. Hercules, the liger; I had only read about him in the Guinness Book of World Records. I never thought I would actually witness the 900-pound giant cat with my own eyes. It was such a delight. Among the rest, I was wowed at the amazing speed of Ramses the cheetah and freaked out at Ahren, the African Eagle’s iconic cry.

By the end of the tour, I praised myself for having made the right choice and trusting the genuine Myrtle Beach Safari reviews. I’d have certainly missed out on my life’s best experience had I not taken the tour. I know there are a lot of you who hold the same confusion as I once did. I would only suggest you take the tour. I’m sure your views will change.


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