Visit the Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo for a Unique Wildlife Tour

Taking a trip to any zoo can be a thrilling experience for individuals of all age groups. But what if there was an amazing place that offered a far better experience than traditional zoos? The Myrtle Beach Safari is a unique zoo that can offer you just that. It is where me, Doc Antle, and my special animal friends reside. The Safari is a huge open environment which hundreds of endangered animal species call home. Our fifty-acre compound is home to the rarest big cats, endangered apes, and rare bird species. Your trip to the zoo will surely be exhilarating.
One of the things that make our preservation unique is the way in which we keep animals. Unlike typical zoos, where many animals are off limits to humans and in small cages, we let our animals live in a natural and open setting. They run around freely, enjoy the natural green environment, and live in harmony with each other.

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