Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo: A Haven for Wildlife Preservation Enthusiasts

An expedition to Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo can be a memorable experience for people belonging to any age group. You may go with nothing on your jungle safari but can hope for coming back with lots of memories that you can treasure forever. The best part is that you do not need to book a flight ticket to Africa to cherish the genuine forest visit experience. You can witness the rarest of wildlife creatures in the interior of the southeast coast of USA. I, Doc Antle, an ardent animal preservationist has devoted years for wildlife preservation. Rare Species Fund, my foundation conducts international grassroots level programs meant for the security of rare and endangered species. T.I.G.E.R.S. Preserve in Myrtle Beach and the Myrtle Beach Safari are the two preservation centers that remain open for the public. These two establishments make a contribution to the Rare Species Fund, thus participating actively in global; wildlife preservation.

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