Journey into Big Cat Territory Right on the Myrtle Shores

Wildlife preservation is a vital cause which most of us can consider participating in. Even individual efforts can make a marked difference in protecting the lives of animal in the world. Today, a lot of species are on the endangered species list due to various factors. The primary causes for fast diminishing animal lives are hunting, poaching, environmental change and industrialization. Countless species lose their habitats and are wiped of the face of the earth. In this scenario, it is crucial that we raise efforts for animal preservation on a global level. 

Tigers, lions, elephants and apes were not endangered as they are now. Their numbers have reduced drastically over the centuries, largely due to humankind’s ignorance. Now things are changing, as a result of locations like the T.i.g.e.r.s. Preservation and the Myrtle Beach Safari. These two locations in coastal South Carolina are some of the most prominent examples of wildlife preservation in the world. Since they are open to the public, anyone can visit during the summer months. You can view hundreds of rare and endangered animals, living like they should. 


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