A Unique Zoo with Amazing Animal Encounters

Most of us have been to traditional zoos where animals are kept caged for our viewing pleasure. The average zoo trip is a somewhat entertaining encounter for people of all ages. However, not all zoos are the same. The Safari at Myrtle Beach is one that stands out from all others. A simple search of Myrtle Beach Safari reviews will bring you across thousands of positive ones, and for good reason too. It is a must-visit location for wildlife lovers and those who are interested in animal preservation. 

Let us take a look at reasons why the Myrtle Beach Safari is a unique zoo that offers great experiences - 

The setting - A typical urban zoo is a domain of concrete and cages, where animals are confined to little spaces. The Myrtle Beach Safari (a brainchild of legendary preservationist Doc Bhagavan Antle) is nothing like that. It is a huge natural preserve that houses hundreds of rare and endangered animals. The Safari is spread over 50 acres of pristine greenery. 

The experience - The entire experience at the Myrtle Beach Safari is quite different from that of a conventional zoo. For starters, the place is geared towards offering an authentic safari encounter. That is exactly what the Myrtle Beach Safari zoo offers to visitors who participate in the Wild Encounters Tour. Within a few hours, you will get an incredibly close hands-on experience with endangered animals. 

In many ways, the experience is quite unique and exhilarating. Visitors will come across endangered tigers, lions, cheetahs, chimpanzees, gibbons, and even a huge African elephant. Visitors are allowed to pet and cuddle tiger cubs, apes and baby wolves. If you intend to create amazing memories, the Safari has professional photographers on standby. You will get to see large adult tigers, lions and other animals running free, and living in great harmony. The Myrtle Beach Safari is a place like no other. 

Hercules the Liger - Did you know that the Myrtle Beach Safari has the biggest lion-tiger hybrid in the world. Hercules is a huge Liger that attracts thousands of visitors. He might be one of the key reasons why Myrtle Beach Safari reviews are mostly positive. Weighing 900 pounds, Hercules is an extraordinary creature. You can see him interacting freely with the trainers and carers at the Safari.  
Opportunity to contribute - On a visit to the Myrtle Beach Safari, everyone has a chance to contribute for the welfare of rare and endangered animals across the globe. That’s because the Safari works for the RSF (Rare Species Fund), which is Doc Antle’s global wildlife preservation organization. Anyone who visits the Safari is making improvements for animals across the globe. 

The Safari shows us how animal preservation is done. It is a place that anyone on a Myrtle Beach holiday should check out. The Myrtle Beach Safari zoo cannot be pushed into the categories of typical zoos. Take your family and friends on an exciting and exhilarating trip to the Safari this summer.  


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