Experience Animal Preservation Examples at Tigers

Through many centuries of hunting, poaching and habitat destruction, many animals have reduced in numbers. So much so, that many are critically endangered today. Significant efforts have been made for the protection of animal species in the past few decades. But with a fast developing world and continual killing of animals, a lot more needs to be done. Organizations like the Rare Species Fund are at the forefront of wildlife preservation on a global level. The T.i.g.e.r.s. Preserve and the Myrtle Beach Safari are two organizations that contribute directly to its efforts.

If you are visiting the South Carolina town of Myrtle Beach anytime soon, you have a chance to witness an ideal model of animal preservation. A walk to Barefoot Landing in Myrtle Beach will bring you to the gates of a world-renowned animal preservation destination. Built by the famed preservationist Doc Antle, the T.i.g.e.r.s. Preservation Station is a pioneering location. It contains several rare and endangered species of tigers, who have made the preserve their home. 

At the Preservation Station, you get a unique hands on experience that no zoo can provide. It holds regular tours during the summer, which tourists and animal preservationists can participate in. A visit to this iconic location will bring you incredibly close to some of the most incredible and rare tigers. You can see Royal White Bengal tigers, standard Bengal tigers, and the very rare Golden Tabby tiger. At the Preservation, a sheet of glass is all that separates you from large adult tigers. 

Why is the Tigers Preservation Station a Must-Visit Address?

1. Unforgettable encounters - In no way does the Preservation resemble a typical zoo with caged up and lonely animals. Doc Bhagavan Antle and his team of trainers have created an amazing place, where the wild ones roam free under open skies. You can see some of the rarest tigers in one place. 

2. Chance to help animals - T.i.g.e.r.s is not just a place where you go to see tigers in action. It is also a location where you can help save them too. It is quite simple actually. All contributions made to the Preservation Station go directly towards the welfare of endangered animals. T.i.g.e.r.s is one of the biggest contributors to the Rare Species Fund. 

3. A learning experience - One of the highlights of your visit to the Preservation Station will be the opportunity of interacting with Antle’s team of trainers. Interact with them to learn interesting information on tigers, apes, and other endangered animal species. It can also be a life changing experience, as you will realize the importance of saving animals. 

If you are keen on starting your animal preservation journey, taking a trip to this iconic Myrtle Beach location should be a priority. The T.i.g.e.r.s. Preservation Station is recognized across the globe for the example it has set. It has shown everyone how to care for, and nurture lives of animals who are under threat of extinction. The message conveyed by T.i.g.e.r.s is that anyone can be a part of animal preservation. 


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