A Jungle Safari for Wildlife Preservation Enthusiasts

A trip to the wilderness can be a truly unforgettable experience for people of all ages. A safari tour can give you that and a lot more memories to cherish for a lifetime. But what if you did not have to book a plane ticket to Africa to get the authentic jungle safari experience? What if it could be witnessed right in the heartland of the southeast coast of USA?

Hello everyone. I am Bhagavan Antle, a lifelong animal preservationist and one who has dedicated decades to the cause. My organization Rare Species Fund runs global grassroots level programs for the protection of rare, endangered species. The Myrtle Beach Safari and T.I.G.E.R.S. Preserve in Myrtle Beach are two preservations, which are open to the public. These two organizations contribute to the Rare Species Fund, thus helping to achieve the larger goal of wildlife preservation.

To know more visit:  https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/the-man-who-made-animal-friends-70838/


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