Be A Part of the Global Wildlife Preservation Movement.

A wild animal that loses its habitat is in immediate danger and can no longer live in peace and tranquility. For many centuries, human beings have mercilessly hunted down wild animals and designated them to the endangered lists. The numbers of wild animals have fallen critically in the forests and Savannahs of the world. It is up to us as a race to help reduce all ill actions, and contribute towards the protection of biodiversity. Steps are being taken on a global level for the protection of species. 

The Myrtle Safari and the TIGERS Preservation Station are two leading examples of animal preservation efforts. Situated on the southeast coast of the USA, these are places which anyone can explore during the summer months. If you are interested in helping wild animals, you can take a trip with your family and friends. The Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo has some of the most exotic animal species in the world. It has tigers, lions, cheetahs, apes and many more endangered animals. You can be incredibly close to these animals and spend some time with them. 

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