Working towards the improvement of Wildlife Preservation.

A wild animal is as much an integral part of the environment as we humans are. This is something that we perhaps have forgotten for centuries in our recent past. Wild animals have been hunted and poached to such an extent, that many of them have become extinct already. Some were not so unlucky but exist in critically endangered numbers across the planet. Wildlife preservation efforts aim to protect these existing endangered species, to help their numbers grow. But it is also  an objective of reducing human crimes against these wild species. 

The Rare Species Fund is a global wildlife preservation organization that operates on a grass root level. It works towards the preservation and conservation of animals, who are under threat of being hunted or are losing their habitats due to human actions. The T.i.g.e.r.s. Preservation and the Myrtle Beach Safari are two shining examples of preservation, and home to many different species of animals. This includes various apes, different types of tigers, lions, cheetahs, elephants and more. 


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