Realizing the Significance of Wildlife Preservation.

Endangered animals are the ones whose numbers on our planet have declined heavily over the past centuries and decades. A lot of such species have the endangered tag due to human activities. Tigers, lions, elephants, apes and deer have been hunted and poached for centuries. The greed of the human race for animal fur, skin, teeth, horns and tusks have claimed millions of lives. Adding habitat destruction to that paints a grim picture. Unless we step up our preservation efforts, many more species will become endangered. 

Over the last 50 years, a lot has been done for the establishment of organizations and movements that contribute towards wildlife preservation. The Rare Species Fund, set up more than 30 years ago by Doc Antle is one of the most prominent grassroots wildlife conservation organizations. It is directly linked to the Tigers Preservation Station in North Myrtle Beach, and the Myrtle Beach Safari located nearby. These are two locations that continue some of the rarest endangered animal species in the world.


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