The Fate of Endangered Species Are in Our Hands.

Every year, hundreds of endangered animals are hunted down mercilessly by humans who kill for sport or smuggling animal body parts. Thousands of acres of green spaces are also being destroyed to accommodate our needs for industrialization and resources. Many species have already become extinct due to our excesses., and many are critically endangered. The act of making animal lives better and protecting their numbers is known as animal preservation. It is a cause that we should actively involve ourselves in, regardless of who we are and where we are from. 

Let us look at he the example of Doc Antle, who is one of the world’s leading animal preservationists, known for his work with the Rare Species Fund. He is also the founder of the world-famous Myrtle Beach Safari zoo and the T.I.G.E.R.S. Preservation Station. Antle is a role model for millions of us, who are willing to dedicate our efforts towards animal preservation. For more than three decades, he has trained, rescued and cared for big cats, apes, elephants, and much more endangered animal species.  


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